The Power of 3 wisemen, Fuk, Luk, Sau - Feng shui for all kinds of happiness, wealth , health, love and success ,

The Power of 3 wisemen - Fuk, Luk, Sau

Feel no luck in your life recently ?

First thing I recommend for people who feel no fortune in their life is always keep cleaning your space, especially your bathroom and kitchen. Also northeast area of your house. Those areas influence your wealth luck.

Also, every week, good to burn incense such as sage all over your house to remove all the negativities.

Decorating lucky Chinese symbols in your house also can bring great fortune.
There are many myths in Asian history.

One of the most important legendary Chinese symbols , is known as the Three star Gods, also called three wise men, Fuk, Luk, Sau ( Three Lucky Immortals or Star Gods).

Many Chinese families decorate the three lucky immortals in their homes,

because they symbolize everything that people want in their life, prosperity, wealth, health, longevity, happy family life, love, power, authority, wisdom, joy and Success.

The meaning of each wiseman is listed below,

"Fuk" deity carries an imperial scroll and sometimes children accompany him. He symbolizes family happiness, harmony, fulfillment, good relationships and mutual love.

"Luk" deity carries the Ru Yi ( authority ) or gold ingot and magic scroll to symbolize power, authority and wealth.

Luk would help your financial issues, would bring you great opportunity to improve your wealth luck. He ensures your career success and enhanced income luck and authority.

"Sau" , called “Sau Seng Kong” is known as the god of longevity.

The deity of immortality, and carries a peach ( symbol of immortality) in his hand and is accompanied by crane and deer, all of which symbolize longevity. ( recent years, Sau has been drawn with children to signify descendant’s luck. ) and in older depictions, he carries wu lou (gourd) which has medicinal value.

His image represents good health and longevity.
Sau also shown with an extended forehead and domed head which symbolizes intelligence and wisdom.

Best places to display the image of three wisemen is your living room ( at the main area higher level than human shoulder ) or dining room if your kitchen and dining room are separated.

For offices or stores or companies, entrance area ( high place ), so that when you or your guests enter your entrance door from the outside, the 3 wisemen are facing you directly.

Show your gratitude everything you have right now to three lucky star gods, they are very powerful lucky star gods, they would bring you great fortune, get rid of all the bad luck or trouble you are having.

Feng shui symbol - Three lucky star gods, Fuk, Luk, Sau

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