8 Powerful good luck Chinese symbols for business and wealth

It was about 12 years ago when I started getting interested in feng shui and Chinese good luck symbols.

I had some health issue at that time and went to a hospital. I had to wait for my turn for more than 2 hours, sitting at the hospital chairs with many other patients.

Every time I went there it was always like that. The chairs and sofas were not enough for all the patients, and most of them were standing in the waiting room for their turn to come.

In the front door, there was a dragon head ship made of green color stone, ( I didn’t notice it was jade at that time ), an aquarium, and also on the reception counter there was a mythology creature figurine.

I also saw a Happy Buddha statue ( also called laughing Buddha ),
And also on the doctor’s desk, there was also another dragon figurine, and the female doctor was wearing a beautiful big jade stone ring on one of her fingers.

One of the reasons the doctor was so popular is she used natural herbal medicine which is good for the human body and also other alternative methods. The price was quite expensive compared with other hospitals.

But at that time I was more curious for her decorations which I had never seen except for Happy Buddha statue ( also known as Hotei in Japan)

Her jade ring looked almost like emerald, as a fashion ring but later I thought It might be for her protection and for good fortune.

And I was also wondering about the dragon head sailing ship which was displayed in the front door. It had impressive decoration.

Later , I found out that the symbol of a sailing ship is well known as to brings wealth from wind and water in China. Especially when it’s dragon head is made of lucky stone “ jade”, the power increases.

That hospital looked quite successful, always filled with so many patients even though higher fee.
Here are a few good luck Chinese symbols which are good for business and wealth.

1. Kuan Kung - God of business

Kuan Kung is one of the most famous & popular Taoist deities and was a military leader who lived in China during the Three Kingdoms Period, in the third century A.D.

He was known as a God of war and later known as a god of business ( & wealth ). There are different kinds of version of Kuan Kung and for business success & protection, Kuan Kung wearing dragon image robe,
armour complete with banners and flags, having long sword, is the best to protect your business and increase your wealth. The best place to display Kuan Kung is northwest area of your office or store.

Also displaying this image behind where you sit at work will get powerful support from important people.

2. Dragon head sailing ship

Sailing ship has been used by many business people in China to attract wealth from the wind and water.

By filling the ship with “ gold” “ Chinese ancient coins or gold ingot ” it becomes wealth ship. They display the sailing ship near the entrance of the office or store. If the ship appears to be sailing in to your business or home from your lucky directions, it will bring income and success.
3. Horse

Horse symbolizes fame, honor and it ’s believed to bring company recognition when it is displayed in the south corner of your office or house. In order to get success with any industries, increasing your fame is one of the most important.

4. Phoenix

Phoenix also symbolizes fame ,honor, popularity and also new opportunities. By placing the image of phoenix in the south area of your office , it will help to open many potentially beneficial opportunities. Good for increasing career, business luck . Phoenix alone expands yang energy and brings financial success and prosperity.

5. Happy Buddha

Happy Buddha, also called laughing Buddha, ( Hotei in Japan ), is always a symbol of happiness and it is believed to bring good fortune and joy into the home.

There are many kinds of happy Buddha images, and happy Buddha with coins, carrying a big sack which is filled with money and gems brings wealth luck. Happy Buddha’s fat body and big smiling face shows joy and happiness.

Also happy Buddha holding a ingot brings wealthy life. Happy Buddha also carrying a wu lou symbolizes good health.
It’s good to have happy Buddha at least one at home and in office.

6. Water feature ( aquarium, table top water fountain )

Water signifies wealth. Always care for sink and bathroom, if the tap water is loose and constantly water falling down, money is just flying away. Water feature such as table top water fountain can brings wealth luck when it is placed in the wealth area of your office ( store ) or house.

7. 3 legs money frog

Three legs money frog with a coin in it's mouth is known to attract wealth and money into the home. Frog is a symbol of money-making success and is one of the legends surrounding eight immortals.

Three legs money frog attracts money and collects money and grabs money. Many Chinese business people display the three legs money frog in their cash counter to attract money.

Number one or three or six or nine frogs at home are the best numbers to display the three legs money frog.
8. Foo dogs ( guardian lions )

If you go to China town, or Chinese bank, you may already have noticed that there are always a pair of guardian foo dogs in front of the gate or entrance.

Those foo dogs are traditionally used as the symbol of protection against all kinds of bad luck.

There are no rules for which size the foo dogs should be, however the size which is fit with the building, or house or office they are guarding. Always good to display on the stand or table.
The material usually used is jade, bronze and old stone.

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