Good luck charm mystery

Do you have a Good luck charm ?

About 2 years ago, my husband and I purchased good luck charms online.

According to the website, the pendant tops we purchased ( made of fake gold ) were cleansed by a professional psychic master.

Before we got it, we had a car stolen and were very upset for it. We thought maybe the good luck charm can protect us.

When we received the pendants, we were very excited because we thought the pendants are not normal pendant because they were given strong power by a psychic master.

Soon we both tried them , my husband went to his work as usual, and I went shopping to a supermarket.

In that day, sales clerks behaivior for me was not friendly, and I felt bad.

While I was wearing the pendant, I felt nervous and getting irritated. I tried to calm down . but it was difficult to stop it.

When my husband got home, he looked tired and I asked him, how was your day today ? He was saying he had a bad day. Trouble with his customers and also with his manager.

It was really weird, but we continued wearing the pendant. and it was getting worse and worse, we had more troubles. and both our feelings were irritated all the time. We didn't know why . But it is true.

So we decided to stop wearing the pendant and returned them to the online store.

After we returned the pendant, we felt good and were not irritated anymore.
The online store customer support was nice, they gave us the refund as promised on the website.

What we learned from it was that all things have energy and we should not have someone else put any energy into the items.

I guess that online store might often get return items and the pendant we purchased were used by some other of their customers who had negative energy.
Or the psychic master also might have negative energy when she cast the spell into the pendants.

Later I learned about all the things we experience is not accident and everything we experience has a reason and it came from our past imagination and thinking.
It may be true, but it may not be true.

However, we are human and it is difficult to keep our feelings good all the time forever.
Energy is really mystery because
Actually, even clothes, whenever I wore my black shirt, I had a bad day, on the other hands, whenever I wore my dark blue blouse, I always had a great day and I could pass all the job interviews.

I noticed about it a long time ago. I am a Japanese. In Japan, everyone has charms or amulets for our protection. Many Japanese people go to temples or shrines every new year days, to make our wishes and purchase good luck amulets (Omamori) or " go-fu" to have peaceful life during the year. It's one of Japanese traditional habit.

Japanese long distance runner " Muzuki Noguchi " who got gold medal in the last Greece Olympic, was also wearing the good luck amulet (Omamori) while she was running.

Ha,.. I was very amazed, how can such a small Japanese woman run faster than an African woman who has much longer legs for 2 hours, beside in such a hot day ?

In China, Jade is considered to bring good luck. There are many good luck symbols in China.

Chinese dragon symbolizes success and power. It's yang energy and when we place dragon image ( dragon figurines or pictures ) in our house that bring you a power.

If you have ever seen Chinese movies such as bruce lee or etc... you might already notice that there are temple lions ( called foo dogs) in the entrance, also dragons, vases, calligraphy with good luck words in Chinese houses or temples. People are wearing jade pendants or earrings. There are many mysteries is China.

But I think everything can be good luck charms.

It seems music rock group Queen's Freddie Mercury was always wearing silver snake bracelet as a charm.

Having pet especially gold fishes is also considered to bring good luck for wealth and protection.

Wedding fabors are usually lucky items unless the bride and gloom don't have any negative energy in their wedding party.

In our house , there are full of good luck items now.

Before we got married, my husband purchased a beautiful goddess made of wood when he traveled to Bali island. It seems the goddess is considered to bring great romance opportunity and love luck.
He wished to get married with an asian woman and a year later, his wish came true.

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