Feng shui symbols for design fabric

You might never have thought that feng shui , besides color, the design of fabric also has some meaning which influences your luck.

Whenever we decorate interiors at home and office, and also when we arrange our fashion, there seems to be hidden feng shui power through the design.

Based on your lucky color, or each symbol of the color, if you also pay attention to the design , it will attract more luck which fits with your desire.

For example, from my experience for job hunting,

I always had a great experience for job hunting whenever I was wearing blue and white color striped shirt with dark blue suit in interviews. I always passed the examinations and could make good impression to the supervisors who were interviewing me.

For interviews, I always thought depending on the person who interviewed me, there was always match or not. Some supervisors made me feel uncomfortable to talk, and some I felt relaxed talking.

And when I was wearing the blue and white shirt, I met supervisors who I felt relaxed talking with. Since I had good experience with the blue and white shirt, I called the shirt, my good luck shirt for job hunting.

For love,

Pink color usually attracts love opportunities. And besides that, flowers, heart, ribbon design attract love.

Here are some examples for meaning of design,


It symbolizes earth element in feng shui. This design brings family happiness & good friendship.


It symbolizes wood element in feng shui. Stripe design brings career, job, examination luck, make good impression to boss and managers at companies. If you need trust from others, this design will help. Also when need high energy, this design help it.

Polka dots

It symbolizes metal element in feng shui. Polka dots design brings wealth luck. Also has power to increase all the luck. Good to have this design in your space to attract great fortune.


It symbolizes both water and earth elements in feng shui. Heart design brings love opportunity and happy relationships, beauty and healthy life. When you wear this design, you may have warm , calm and sweet feelings.


It symbolizes earth element in feng shui. Ribbon design brings love and new opportunities, good relationship, and balancing friendship. If you don’t have a opportunity to meet new people, this will help.


It symbolizes wood element in feng shui. Flower design brings love, romance, and beauty . Especially, good to use it for your clothes. Also for your bed cover.


It symbolizes earth element in feng shui. Border design brings family happiness, and healthy life. When you are feeling down, good to wear the border design clothes to make you feel better.


It symbolizes fire element in feng shui. Star design gives you power and energy and cheer. When you have strong purpose to get to the goal, this design will help your desire come true.


It symbolizes water element in feng shui. Cloud design has power to increase your social life and also love life. When you are in trouble, this design will help to turn the things around.

Animal prints

It symbolizes fire element in feng shui. Tiger, zebra, leopard, etc.. when you want to appeal your originality and uniqueness, all the animal prints will help it.

Feng shui lucky items

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