Feng shui for all kind of good luck, Is space cleaning really bring great fortune ?

Space cleaning is always necessary thing in feng shui because cleaning the space has power to remove all the negativity. Without doing it, how can we attract more luck into our life ?

It’s also believed that your living space reflects your mind and life.

I was taught by my parent to keep always room clean, especially bathroom, kitchen and entrance are the major place to see how their life going when we visited our friends houses.

I’m originally a lazy person who want to do things as easy as possible, but every time when I clean my space, I felt fantastic.

Living in a clean neat place just make ourselves feel great. If things are well-organized, it’s more easy for things to go smoothly.

From experience about bathroom in one of the company I used to work,

When I started working for the company, I noticed that, there was bad smell in a hallway where there were bathrooms for men and women.

The smell came from the bathroom. The company was in a old building and there must be something wrong with drain in the pipe.

And in the bathroom, ( I know only women’s bathroom though ) , the mirrors above the sinks were all not clear because of old mirrors. Everything looked old and not neat. Even there were cleaning person coming for it every two days, it didn’t help much.

The president of the company often yelled at his employees , because of the sales were going down and down and also the managers also yelled at their assistants. There was full of negativities in the office.

I was working for the company as a temp for a while, and after I quit, later I found the company had to closed because of bankrupt.

Negativities are everywhere and people are easy to be influenced by them depending on the spaces you are always in.

Also positivities are everywhere if you only look at it, and it’s also easy to be
influenced by them.

There is another story,

One of my friends who had been hard time to get a job she wish suddenly called me with excitement and said

“ After I cleaned my apartment, I got a phone call from the company I was applying for a job ! I got a job !”

" Great ! "

I know her space was not neat when I visited her apartment. Full of stuffs everywhere, including the hall way.

Her husband and her often had argument and her complains about her husband never stopped even though they are in love each other.

I’m not sure she has been clean her spaces every day since then but at least space cleaning worked and she got immediate result.

People are usually lazy , don’t like to clean the space everyday. But when they clean the space, minds also refresh and have good feeling.

It’s also make to flow positive clean energy.

The point is that while you are cleaning the living space, enjoy the moment.

While cleaning the room , throw all the stuffs you don’t think you need , great to ring singing bowl and burn incense each room to increase more luck.

I know many people who received great luck since cleaning spaces, myself included.

Some received immediate luck, getting extra income by someone, by winning lottery, got promotion, or someone who admire approached, had new romance opportunity , brought back lost love, illness relieved and recovered, have good family relationship, kid’s problems solved, and many more..

I have also read real reviews which was written by the people who truly experienced. Especially, bathroom and kitchen are the place to bring wealth luck when it is kept clean. and since the person started cleaning his spaces, including bathroom, soon he got promotion that he had never received for 2 years and his income increased.

All the dirt, mess are negative energy , so if you feel stressed out and things don’t go well in your life , I do recommend to clean your space immediately.

When was the last time you cleaned your space ?

Do you clean your space every day ?

If not, you may want to clean your space right now.

Wipe your work desk , computer and everything on the desk with wet cloth and remove all the dust. Then organize your work space.

One of the strongest space cleaning is sprinkling sea salt everywhere on the carpet, on the floor, and hold it for a while ( about an hour ), then vacuum all the rooms, wipe out all the floor, sofa, items, table, bookcase, chest, lamps, especially bathroom and kitchen.

Then burn incense each room, and then ring singing bowl every room including bathroom and kitchen.

Set up so that your guests are welcome to your space any time.

This is the quickest way to attract great fortune into your life.

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