How to Feng Shui the Political Environment Talk Show

Please join Joyce & I Tonite- March 12, 2009

Rights Radio Self Help Hour is Hosted by Dr. Joyce Starr
Welcome to her second Rights Radio Syndicated Show - “The Rights Radio Self-Help Hour: Dr. Joyce STARR Rocks the Power.”

Dr. Starr helps listeners save money and make wiser choices. Be proactive! Call the show at (347) 884-9667 between 5:00 - 5:30 pm every Thursday at 5:00 pm EST. Send questions or issues that you would like us to raise via our comment box. Follow us on Twitter at

Today's Topic:
How to Feng Shui the Political Environment
Yvonne Phillips is a leading Feng Shui expert who has been practicing Feng Shui for home energy clearing for 18 years. Joyce also has written two books about salt energy healing for home and hearth. [Salt Secrets: Salt Tips for Life is the most recent.]
Dr. Starr and I have worked together for years. Now we’re joining forces with an entirely new twist.

Our new project is: How to Feng Shui the Political Environment. We’re even co-authoring a book on the topic! If you have clever or humorous suggestions that “must” be included, let us know.

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