Feng shui - How to have more wealth luck ?



If you want to increase your savings, pay attention for the place where you keep all your financial goods such as savings balance notebook, check book, etc..

The best area for keeping financial goods - Northeast, or north or wealth area of your house.

You can check your wealth area of your house at the link here.


* Good to hold the financial goods with black or purple color cloth.

* Avoid to keep your financial goods including your wallet in the west and south corner of your house ( or living room ).

* West areas may increase spending more money rather than saving.

South area can burn your wealth luck and may have unexpected events occur which make money fly away. Unless your wealth area is south or west.

* Have a piggy bank or lucky cat bank figurine and display it in your wealth area of your house. And put money ( even penny or dime ) into it everyday with appreciation.

* Put a bamboo plant near the sink.

* Always keep clean your bathroom and kitchen.

* Good to display small bamboo or crystal or coal near the sink. These three items can clean Qi energy , and make the energy flow well around the space.

* Good to face your lucky direction when you are sitting in your house or office.

* Use long wallet which can hold money without bending. The best color is black or brown to save money. Avoid Red color wallet, it makes spending money.

* Good to put money up side down in the wallet. It’s believed to not to spend the money.

* Avoid to put credit cards and debit cards in your wallet, always put them in a card purse.

* Always keep organized and keep clean your wallet.

Money money money money

Other ways to save more money

Use southwest area of your house.

* Display red & white color flowers. ( change the water every day.)

* If it’s your bedroom, display crystal ball.

* Display a cactus.

Feng shui and Words energy for wealth luck

Do you often say, “I can’t afford it.”


" I don’t have money” ?

If so, avoid to use these words no matter the situation.

Words have power to make things good or bad depending on what you say and think in your mind.

This word energy flows around the space and goes to the universe.

And universe will catch the words “ can’t “ and “ don’t “ and will keep you in the state of “ can’t afford it “ and “ don’t have money “

Better to say

I have enough. “

Because the universe will hear you saying "you have enough" and so will give you enough, and more.

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